Shops and Establishments in Thathri

Thathri, a growing town with a vibrant marketplace, is home to a variety of sho…

From Thathri to the World: The Remarkable Journey of Anzer Ayoob

Anzer Ayoob: The prominent journalist of Thathri who founded a reputed news out…

Mangta Sheikh: The Visionary Contractor Who Brought Glory to Thathri

Mangta Sheikh (1947-2024), the renowned contractor of Phagsoo (Thathri). Nestl…

The Map of Thathri – A Bird’s Eye View of Beauty

Have you ever looked at a map and noticed a hidden resemblance to something fa…

Join the Official WhatsApp Channel – Stay Connected to the Heart of Chenab Valley!

Join the Official WhatsApp Channel Today! We are excited to announ…

Early and Modern History of Thathri

Thathri, a historical and commercially significant town in the Doda district of…

Chenab Times Foundation Backs Demand for Thathri and Bhaderwah Districts [Kashmir Independent Press]

The Chenab Times Foundation (CTF) has extended its support to the demand for cr…

Create Bhaderwah, Thathri two districts: Rao [Daily Excelsior]

JAMMU, Jan 14: Thathri Development Front, district Doda has demanded creation o…

Thathri: A Town of Unity, History, and Growth

Photo Credit: Anzer Ayoob (Journalist The Chenab Times) Thathri, a town nestl…

Who is Waaz Khan - The Spiritual Pioneer of Thathri?

In the heart of Chenab Valley, nestled amidst the serene landscapes of Jammu an…

Thathri: Where History Whispers from Timber Heaps

Nestled amidst the foothills of the Himalayas, the town of Thathri in Jammu and…

Jantroon Dhar

Jantroon Dhar , also known as Jantroon Top , is a picturesque location in the …

Taskeen Badanvi

Taskeen Badanvi , also known by his real name Jalal Ud Din , is a prominent po…

A View of Sheep Quarter Thathri and River Chenab at Thathri

Picture(s) Details: A mountainious view in Thathri, where you see Sheep Quarte…

Satellite View of Thathri Town

Our Google Contributor updated Thathri on Google Maps. A big error is that Tha…

Thathri 2016

Thathri town (now sub-division) is located in the mid of outer Himalayas mounta…

Thathri Town

Gird Station (Madan Chittar) 2015

Thathri Town

Full view of Thathri town (2014)

Thathri town Pics

Jamia Masjid Thathri (2013)

Some Photos Of Thathri

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